Use one candidate ID from a sheet tab to retrieve name and party, and office information through an API call, and output results to another sheet tab.
API call use “candidate” in OpenFEC Developer page, and the first API builder “/candidate/{candidate_id}/”
Input the value (candidate id) from A2 in sheet tab "person"
Make the API call and retrieve data of candidate's name, party and office.
Output the data to sheet tab "live".
functionCandidateData() {var key ="YOUR API KEY"//API Keyvar ss =SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet() //Assign Google Sheets (including all tabs) to varialbe ssvar wsName =ss.getSheetByName("person") //Assign tab "person" to varialbe wsNamevar name =wsName.getRange("A2").getValue() ////Extract candidate id from tab "person"let apiURL =''+ name +'/?api_key='+ keyvar resText =UrlFetchApp.fetch(apiURL).getContentText() //Make the API call to extract data in JSON file formatvar resJSON =JSON.parse(resText) //Parse JSON datavar record = resJSON["results"][0]var can_name = resJSON["results"][0]["name"] var party = resJSON["results"][0]["party_full"]var office_f = resJSON["results"][0]["office_full"]//*****Output Results**********//var wsLiveData =ss.getSheetByName("live") //**SETUP OUTPUT SHEETvar candidate_name =wsLiveData.getRange("A2") //SETUP A2 for Candidate Namevar party_full =wsLiveData.getRange("B2") //SETUP B2 for Party Namevar office_full =wsLiveData.getRange("C2") //SETUP C2 for Office candidate_name.setValue(can_name) //SEND extracted value to var candidate_nameparty_full.setValue(party) //SEND extracted value to var party_fulloffice_full.setValue(office_f) //SEND extracted value to var office_full}